Robert Pental (RN)
Our family physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, psychiatrists, internists, midwives, case managers and social workers work in collaboration to provide health and social services to our clients.
We partner with local agencies to efficiently run our clinics. Our partner agencies and clinic locations are listed below.
135 Mary St.
A men’s shelter in downtown Hamilton.
30 Pearl St. North
A women’s shelter in Hamilton.
325 James St. North
A men’s shelter in downtown Hamilton.
94 York Blvd.
A men’s shelter in downtown Hamilton.
Focus on Mental Health
131 John St. South
The Canadian Mental Health Association is a non-profit community mental health agency that provides mental health services to adults with serious mental illness. The Primary Health Care Clinic provides primary care services.
Focus on Youth
14 Cannon St. West
A 24-hour emergency shelter and multi-agency resource centre for homeless and street-involved youth aged 16 to 21 years.
A 24-hour emergency shelter and multi-agency resource centre for homeless and street-involved youth aged 16 to 21 years.
Focus on Addictions
The Hamilton Clinic
200 Main St. East
Provides support and counselling to those struggling with addictions of all types, including opioids, stimulants and alcohol.
595 Main St. East
A withdrawal management centre for men.
15 Charlton Ave. West
A long-term residential addiction treatment program for men.
Wesley Special Care Unit
467 Main St East Hamilton, ON L8N 1K1
A residential harm reduction program for men and women living with alcoholism.
431 Whitney Ave.
A residential addiction treatment facility for women, as well as an emergency shelter and withdrawal management service.
Multi-service Locations
Good Shepherd Health Clinic
850 King St. East
A multi-purpose clinic serving many different groups of people, including those from the Barrett Centre and the Family Centre. This is the headquarters for the Shelter Health Network.
Vanier Towers
95 Hess St. South
A city housing building and site of a Community Hub – a central access point for many health and social services.
The Hub
78 Vine St.
A client- centered, community-based hub where access to services and resources are available to the homeless. The Hub addresses individual needs while promoting an inclusive community.
75 MacNab St. South
A multi-service, community based organization providing programs and services for women and girls. YWCA has a transitional living program for homeless women.